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What can you do with charges billed to you during the time your phone got stolen?

Hello everyone.
Since December 2007 i am on a 3 year contract with telus. not to long ago my phone got stolen. i got the phone back the same day and went on the internet 3 days in a row to see if the person who stole it from me made some long distance calls or anything like that. when i received the bill i found out that the guy went on the internet for about 70mb and since i'm on a stupid plan of 4 mb per month (i pay 15$ /month for it), telus billed me with about 900$ of data charges.
i called telus and told them what happened and the (and i'm saying this the kind way) completely retarded stupid woman on the phone told me that i had to pay because i didn't reported the phone stolen immediately as it got stolen (kind of impossible to do in my case). after that i asked her if i could pay in a rent or something because i'm a student and it's impossible for me to just have 1000 bucks to giveaway, and for her state of the art answer she told me to wait until my pay date expired (so i can pay penalty for that) and then they will call me to ask me how am i going to pay.
the problem is that the contract is on my fathers name so he wants me to pay it, but i know that telus doesnt have any of my fathers account numbers cuz i used to pay cash, it's just a name. i just want to get rid of them and i really need some oppinions and knowledge. ...also after i talked to that girl at telus i asked to talk to a representative/her boss ...something, and she put me on wait and i waited for about half an hour listening to their crappy music and nothing....

thx alot
oh and happy holidays

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