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Does Bell have better reception than Telus?


I am currently looking to buy a Sanyo Katana phone from Bell, but I don't know if they are any good... From what I hear their customer service is really bad, but I don't care about that.

I have a Telus phone now, and HATE it. No reception, many dropped calls, never going back to Telus!

All I want is a Pay and Talk ("prepaid" in Bell terms) phone with better reception than telus.
Is bell any good for what I am asking? I would really like this phone, which only Bell offers... I wish Rogers did, then I wouldn't be asking questions.


I'm from the East and I agree with the rants above.. Telus isn't very good either.. lots of dropped calls and just not being able to access the network for the most part. Bell has a lot better service, but poor customer service and not an overly huge selection of phones but the phone bit isn't really that important. Just get a good phone, it's pointless to deal with the crappy cheap phones! As for a contract.. if you're going to do a contract to save a few bucks on a phone.. don't go all out and get the full contract, just do a 1 year or something and let the price drop a hundred bucks or something it's not that big of a deal. Prepaid is a complete ripoff if you use your phone at all.. if your phone is just going to sit on a desk or in your purse and you won't look at it more than 5 times a week.. then get a prepaid, but otherwise you should probably get a basic plan! In the long run, you save money.

Everybody from Bell says that it sucks but then you guys are saying that Telus sucks
I doubt there's a cell phone provider that lives up to anybody's expectations.

LOL mumps......your another example of why TELUS SUCKS pooker.....POOKEr?ill bitch till TELUS gets retribution for being a thief...keep it up wise guy


well if you dont like Telus then try Bell, try not to use crappy cheap phones

well, I live in Calgary AB, what is the service like there? What network should I choose?

Keep in mind that I will never go back to Telus becuase I get dropped calls and poor reception EVERYWHERE!

You people have to keep in mind that if your using Telus in some provinces that dont have much Telus coverage that of course you going to experience issues with service, you cant just bitch about the service if you dont know the coverage on it. Just like Bell in BC and Alberta they dont have the best service especially in Northern remote areas of the province where Telus would have the service so Bell doesnt work. Prepaid service isnt the best either, you also gotta keep in mind that prepaid services sometimes only work on that providers network and will not roam on others especially if its a smaller provider, make sure you check out the coverage for all prepaid products before you decide on your purchase.

i agree about contracts...........ohhhhhhhhhhhh you will pay ......thieves!

anything is better than TELUS MOBILITY hon................LOLOL

Well, I won't be spending $30 a month, and I definately do NOT want to get into another contract. Being locked in with Telus for 3 years was enough for me to go insane!

So, how is Bell's reception compaired to others? I know it's worse than Rogers, but is it better than Telus?

isnt it funny how many people HATE TELUS MOBILITY!

Bell here i come

how many hours in pay and talk can you get?

do you really think its worth getting pay and talk cards?

i mean for the 30 dollars youwould spend in pay and talk cards you could get a MUCH better deal from a contract for 3 yrs?

mind you i swore i wouldnt get into another contract.....that is at least with TELUS MOBILITY....ugh

Bell here i come!

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