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What QWERTY phone from Bell Mobility can you recommend?

I need some quick Smartphone advice for Bell Mobility....

My phone just died so Im finally upgrading to a smartphone.....

These are my needs....I need excellent reception and phone functions and I need an organizer/pda type phone. Internet and email are really not an issue or priority for me. I think I would prefer a full qwerty keyboard but not sure.

Does anyone have any suggestions on current phones or upcoming phones that might be usefull.

Thanks to everyone .....this is a great forum...



I have the Palm Treo 650. I bought it to replace my seperate Cell Phone (Samsung SCH n370)& my Sony Clie. I am used to using the Palm system so am very happy with the Treo. The only 2 complaints I have is;
1. Reception on the phone is not as good as my other Samsung Cell & the Ring volume is not as good.
2. It is only a Dual-Mode not a Tri-Mode phone. My wifes Tri-Mode has better overall reception.
I purchased a Blue Tooth Jabra 250v & am very happy with it as it alows the phone to ring & also vibrates on my ear. If I have it on I do not miss many calls, but if I forget to wear it I miss some calls.
I do not use the e-mail features. Only the phone & PDA. I use the phone as my contact point as we travel alot & do not always have a home base with phone.


No problem. If e-mail isn't a priority, I would probably avoid a Blackberry. They are awfully expensive and intended for e-mail as the primary use. Along those lines, Bell is coming out with a Palm very similar to Roger's Blackberry 8700. As for Palm, the 700w is coming out in the next few months. It is a Palm with Windows OS. In terms of pricing, Blackberries, PDAs and the Q are very similar in pricing depending on promotions.

Thanks FC

I checked out the Q....very nice a bit expensive though....

do you know anything about either the blackberries or the palm?

appreciate it.


Check out the Moto Q coming out. It is great if you primarily want a phone with pda-type features.

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