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Which has a better service in GTA and Mississauga between Telus and Bell?

I have been with Telus for a number of years and have enjoyed their coverage in the GTA, due to the reason that they offer Tri Band phones and 1x technology. Even if you don't get a clear Digital signal (Which I have yet to experience) it will switch over to an analog service.
Now, from what I understand, other companies like Bell are GSM coverage, or use sattilite technology to carry they Mobile signals, which is great for someone traveling (if the phone is unlocked) but the problem is, if there is no digital signal there is no service becuase there is no such thing as an analog service with GSM phones.

Is this accurate? I am trying to explain to a few friends of mine that they should stick with Telus becuase of the Tri-Band phones and strong coverage...even though it is costing them a bit more. But becuase they have been with Telus so long...they have been grandfathered with the old Clearnet plan and receive "By the Second" billing.

Any comments would be appreciated!

Well, in fact TELUS uses not their own 1x network in eastern Canada, but Bell's network.

In late 2001 TELUS signed and cooperative agreement with Bell and its eastern partners to share infrastructure across the country. Bell got use of TELUS' stuff in the west and vise versa.

So, as you can surmise, Bell is a CDMA network. Virgin Mobile who's just entered the market also penned an agreement with Bell to use their network. So, when you're on Virgin, you're actually using Bell's Canada-wide network. Solo phones are a division of Bell, too.

The GSM competitors are Rogers and Fido.

When it comes down to coverage, it's really about where you are. I've heard many people say that urban dwellers are covered well by both networks, but country people may have better luck with Bell, Telus, Virigin, and Solo (CDMA).

Either way, if you're unhappy with the reception of your phone, you have 15 days after you sign the contract to return the phone.

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