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Which carrier and plan is the most beneficial for a traveler?

I currently use only a cell phone for my requirements. I am currently with Bell Mobility. I have become very upset with them over the past 3 years & am looking for another server. I read alot about the other companies & sure know they are not much better for my needs then I already have. Bell's pompas additude has just got to me enough that I need to look for alternatives.
I travel to the USA (Florida) for the winter. I full time in my 5th wheel trailer. I need a service that is reasonable in cost & where I can change plans as I need. I find I need a long distance plan as I also travel all over Canada when I am home. My current home base is Cambridge Ontario.
Anyone have any suggestions as to my best, reasonable cost alternatives might be? Anyone had any alternate experiences they can share?
Thank you all in advance for your input & suggestions.


    There's a company called VeVo Communications ( that will meet your needs. However, their lowest price plan is $95 USD for 800 minutes. On the plus side, there is no roaming charges in either country, no long distance charges in either country, plus 1000 bonus nights and weekends.

    hey reg , im in the same boat my husband is a trucker who does long haul and im trying to find a cellphone service provider who has a rate of less than 50 a month peferrably prepaid because quite simply i rather use up the money on the phone than get stuck with a huge bill. My problem seems to be very few providers will carry to the US or wont let you text without adding on big fees per use. Would appreicate any help have also thought about getting him an american phone and me a canadian but im at my wits end. So if anyone has any ideas all im looking for is evenings/weekends and texting in canada and the us thats it dont need any more than that. thanks

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