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Is there any way to turn a LG phone on if the end button is broken?

I had water damage to my phone but it worked fine except for one thing. The End/Power button would only work intermittantly. Now the end button has stopped working at all. I managed to keep it from getting low on batteries until the other day and it ran out. So now my phone is off and I have no way to turn it back on because the end button doesn't work. I'm inside my 1 year warranty but it doesn't matter because of the moisture indicator. Any ideas for another way to turn the phone on, however difficult?

Tajhai Davis
Tajhai Davis
Tajhai Davis

Charge your phone, then hold down the volume and power button. When it starts to cut on unplug the charger and remain holding those buttons. Then it should come on.

It looks like your phone is toast....since it's water damaged, they won't do jack to help you, the next best thing is to search for a new phone! I can't think of any way to get the phone to still function normally without the end button

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