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Can anyone recommend a good cellphone plan?

I just returned to Toronto from 3 years overseas. I'll be getting a cell phone as my only phone. Can anyone recommend a cell phone plan that they've been happy with? I need a reasonably large amount of minutes, hopefully at a fairly cheap rate, as well as voice mail and caller ID. If anyone out there has any suggestions, I'd be really grateful. Thanks!

    Fido gives false information just to encourage you buy their plans. For an international student they sold me a special plan that I won't pay for incoming international calls. That was a crock. Now they want to charge me 400.00 dollars to cancel the contract. They told me that offer was an "introductory special" for a period of time only. I want to sue them

    If you're in the Toronto area, you might want to check out City Fido, it's basically made for people that use their cellphones as home phones.

    Rates are availble here:

    I'm not sure hwo much coverage you need, but for the value, this is the best plan offered between the 4 service providers, Fido also bills by teh second, you get charged for eveyr second you talk, not every minute...saves tones of money. Contract or no contract, if you are planning to use it long term, you save a little money, not a whole lot. Fido charges only max $200 on their 2 year term. Check it out and I hope it suits your needs.

    I think it's crucial to get a plan without a contract. You don't want to have to pay $200 to break your contract in case something happens.

    Solo mobile has a good plan without a contract. Unlimited text messaging really helps because you can keep your minutes low during the day when you have to pay and return all your calls after 6 when it becomes "free".

    I know I'm going to get a lot of slack for saying that because there's a lot of people who hate Solo. Probably because they don't like the phone. BTW the phones are just fine. Sturdy hardware that won't break when you breathe into it like the RAZR.


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