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Can you activate a phone to your account if it wasn’t directly bought from Bell?

i have a bell phone and it doesnt have a sim card so i cant just take it out and put it in a different phone but i want to get a new phone. like one that is sold at walmart or bestbuy can i still activate it on my account?

sure as long as you don't mind having to get a new number
In my case i have an old bell prepaid phone and bought a bell samsung u740 from walmart.
Called bell and they refused to let me switch my cell number to it. Only way I can keep my number is to pay hundreds of dollars from a bell store for a similar phone (the u740 is $329 on bell's page!)
I'm going to the competition tomorrow since all of bell's prepaids suck
So much for number portablility :(

if its a new "bell" phone you can activate it on your account. yes. for the time being however, you'll need to ensure its a CDMA-based phone currently offered by Bell. in the coming months (, Bell will open up their HSPA network which should mean you'll be able to used any unlocked GSM phone.

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