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Can you activate a pre-paid phone on a monthly plan?

I have a little over a year left on a 3 year plan and would like to upgrade my phone, but I don't want to have to extend my contract just to get a decent price on a new handset. I've noticed Rogers currently has some pay-as-you-go phones that would be a significant step-up from my current phone. I'd like to know if it's possible to buy a pre-paid phone and have it activated on my monthly plan?

i got the same issue as Nada except im with bell and my phone doesnt have a sim card i have a samsung u740 and i want to get a new phone because mine is broken. Can i do this?

Yeah, you can buy a pre-paid Rogers phone from Wal-Mart or Best Buy, and just insert your SIM card. A lot of people think you can't do that, and are forced into getting a brand new phone with a brand new 3 year contract, haha.

Yep, just buy a prepaid (or any used rogers handset) and put your SIM card in.

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