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Can Bell start a contract even if a customer hasn’t picked up the phone yet?

Okay long story here,My phone was lost last November,I called Bell and they tried to sell me a new phone.I said no I was going to get new phones anyway when my contract expired in 3 months.They said fine when contract expires just order new phones on a new contract. Good enough right,....right,.....wrong. In January after my contract had expired for a few weeks I ordered two new phones and a new contract online.Guess what, the day after I ordered my new phones I got my bell mobility bill that says,now get this, I have to pay for the end of January and February.Huh' I call bell and they say yes your contract expired but they just can't stop service,you have to verbally cancel with them. I said but can't you see no activity for 3 months, she says she is not allowed to look at peoples activity.I said can I talk to someone else. Next up is Jordan I explain that I lost the phone in late November and get this, he says I see no activity since early November. I said but I thought you can't check that? He says well he can maybe not the previous attendant.Wow anyhow he also says I can't not pay for this phantom phone service and heres the kicker I have to pay an additional 30 day cancellation fee.So what was supposed to end in Early January has now been extended to late February.2 extra payments for nothing. Anyhow now my problem.I have a note from Purolater telling me my phones are ready to be picked up.I now do not ever want to give bell my business again,so if I don't pick up the phones can they still start a new contract on me.By not picking up the phones can i void the internet agreement? any help or ideas would be a great help thanks.

iworkfor rogers is right on the money. It is unfortunate, and many customers don't know this, but you must contact the cellphone company notifying when you want to cancel your service, and it is then regarded as a 30 days notice. Sorry, unfortunately that's the way contracts work. On the plus side, if you have a plan you like, but is no longer available, at least you can keep it, even after your contract is up, so there is an upside to that.

You cannot expect them to cancel your phone if you do not tell them at the end of your contract. I work for Rogers and have lots of customers that tell me that they are going to cancel their contract when it was over and then I see them 6 months later and they decide not. People always get crazy when they are think they are being billed outrageously (I am a cell phone salesperson and I even feel that way sometimes). You can send your phones back and do a Buyers Remorse. You know everyone always says that Bell is the worst cell phone provider and the next person says Telus is the worst and another feels that Rogers is the worst. Basically we are all the same, there is nothing different about any company, they have the same rules and the customers have the same complaints. Good luck with everything and I hope that everything works out for you.

Bell did nothing worng. Rogers and Telus are like that. I had a Nokia on a contact that expired in November but I had to tell them Iwated to cancelled a month before or I would had gottne charge even though I had not used my phone for over a year. About the phone tell them you want to cancelled. You have a 14 day grace period.

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