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What is the best cellphone that you can recommend?

I know, I know. EVeryone wants to know what cell phone to use.

I keep reading about spontanous reboot, subscreens that don't turn off when charging, keys that need to be pressed repeatly to activate, batteries that heat up excessively, slow internal access of the software, poor reception, bad sound qualitie on receiving calls etc.

If want:

1. Good reception on both ends
2. Fast speed inside the phone
3. A battery that doesn't give off excessive heat
4. Obviously something that doesn't reboot for the heck of it.

Which one would you choose? Thanks for the reply everyone!

    Thank you for the input.

    Yeah a poll would be good. My phone is abit warm for the summer. :)

    i miss the poll function..=P

    I could care less about the phone speed, i'd say good reception is good, service is also on my list. =)


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