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Can Telus Pay & Talk phones be activated with Digital PCS service?

I have a question about Telus cell phones. I often end up breaking my phones after about a year or so because I travel a lot. I would like to replace my Digital PCS phone but most no contract phones are $200-300. I was looking today and saw the Pay&Talk cell phones which are a little cheaper.

Can those phones be activated on Digital PCS service or only pay & talk?


Thanks a lot. can do that for sure. Only problem is,if you go to Telus and ask that question,they'll prolly tell you no cause it's kind of a loophole. I'd go to Staples,Wal-Mart,Futureshop etc. Buy the phone,go to telus/call Telus and switch it.


I know someone who has done this before successfully. They purchased the pre-paid phone, used up the free minutes that were included in the pre-paid package and then called Telus and moved onto a month-to-month package. I'm not sure this would work everytime however. I'd give Telus a call about that first and confirm with them direct. Some of those pre-paid phones are refurbished so maybe they wouldn't mind you picking one up and then throwing on your contract.

Also, be sure to check out ebay for used phones. If you are buying a used CDMA phone just make sure you get a proper bill of sale. Even better, you might want to check the ESN (serial number) with Telus before buying.

Any other Telus zealots know the answer to telususers question?

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