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How can you activate a Nokia phone with Bell Mobility without having to pay activation charges?

Hi guyz,
Im a Bell Mobility customer who has a crappy samsung A660 phone which doesnt hold any charge.Im on a contract on my 5th month .Changed the phone once, changed the use.Every single day Ive to charge...(I was with fido before using a motorola and I had to charge only once a week!) I bought a nokia phone and wants to change my phone.Could anyone help me in activating this new nokia phone with bell mobility without having to pay any activation charges?Thanx in advance...

Firstly, is your Nokia a Bell Mobility CDMA unit?

As for switching it over, you will have to pay a programming charge. It's unlikely that you can get this done for free. Call around some places - Bell corporate stores charge $15 for this service, but some dealer stores may charge less.

IMO your best bet is to take the phone back to the store where you got it, and ask to see the rep who sold you the phone. Politely explain the problem, and they may be able to perform the switch without charging you.

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