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What can you do for charges by Fido as a result of their false information on their plans?

My daughter is an international student in toronto living in Ajax. I went to Fido and asked what student plans would be suitable for her especially with international incoming calls from Trinidad and Tobago. They sold me a "special student plan" with a 3 year contract and told me she "does not pay for incoming international calls" That is when the nightmare started. She had to pay for all incoming calls. She went back to them and they told her that was only for a "introductory period of time". Now, the nightmare gets worse! She has recently moved downtown Toronto and she went back to Fido, of course you can never speak with a supervisor or manager. They changed her plan again where she paid extra money so that she would not pay for international calls. So that was great, except that in one week of my calling her, she got a bill for $85.00!!! This is really poor service. When she inquired, she was told that she has to pay for roaming fees because she registered in Ajax. Now, you tell me if this is not B.S. They now want her to pay more money to remove the roaming fees and to then change her plan again. This is totally outrageous. Oh, it gets even better. If she wants to cancel her contract with them she has to pay $400.00 canadian dollars. Just to let you know, with the foreign exchange rate in my country, that is TT2,500.00!!

Can anyone help me, I am desperate. I need to contact Fido Head Office urgently

Desperate Mother

First thing first, There is no False advertisement as you state...if you daughter has unlimited INCOMING PP...than it means that she can receive calls from any number in world and she will not be charged for this call AS LONG as she is in her LOCAL CALLING AREA OR IF SHE IS WITHIN HER ZONE IF HER PP HAS A ZONE....If your daughter is outside her LOCAL CALLING AREA WITHIN CANADA, than she will be charged Long distance at rate of $.30 per min if she has pp before March 18, 2008 and $.35 per min after March 18, 2008. plus if your daughter receives a call while on rogers expanded network, they will additional $.25 per min fee unless she has $5 expanded network option.....if your daughter doesn't have this option, than she can check the network she is using by calling *#123# and she will she message displayed on her phone stating on FIDO NETWORK WITHIN ZONE or ON EXPANDED NETWORK OUTSIDE THE ZONE.......... A NOTE......As of Nov 4th, 2008, There is no more expanded network, IF AND ONLY IF your daughter changes her pp to any new pp without SAF charge..........Senior Fido CSR

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