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Does anyone know the email address of Fido’s CEO?

Anyone know email address for CEO of FIDO.? Gota share the appalling customer service experience... Thanks.

You should be able to get the CEO's e-mail from the Rogers or Fido website?

I have been with Fido for over 20 years and I see how that company is going down hill, I got harassed about my last months bill and it was paid 3 days after I got it . This has been going on for 5 months now and I owe them only for the last bill
Sept bill came in, 20 minutes after I got the bill Fido calls me to find out when I'm going to pay this bill , I told them I just got it and they didn't care, I was cut off Sept 26 / 09 so now I don't care cause I'm going somewhere else and I wish them luck getting their money, they wqill never get it from me and they know cause I told them what they can do with their service too
Very poor business people

Mad Moses

seriously agree. Sound like the customer service people don't want to resolve the problem, they just want to make people angry.

is there any way we can complain this stupid company?

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