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Do you own the phone after the 3 year contract?

I am getting a cellphone on a 3yr contract and the phone is a keeper. After the 3 yrs are up, does that mean I now own the phone?

After 3 years you can either keep your phone or most companies give you a credit towards a new phone if resign with them.

I suppose so, but I researched this phone and it is one of the best so will not get a new one. The saleslady for another Rogers affiliate tried to get me a flip top with larger numbers well because she probably thought everyone over 40 had bad eyesight. Had I had the full price for it, I would have, but unfortunately I did not. There was also a sale, and it would have gone up $50 after Tuesday.

no you own the phone as soon as you leave the store, the provider pretty much locked you in for three years so you if you ever want a new phone within three years you will have to buy the new phone out at the full price, sucky deal seeing how the plan your going to pick pays for the phone about 6-10 times over.

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