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Has Rogers changed the rules on making payments with a credit card?

I used to go into our local Rogers shop at the Mall here in Winnipeg, bring in my bill, and pay by credit card. I did pay more than i should, because this month we were planning a trip, and I did not want to be in the hole and I had already transferred the amount from my checking account. Now on the 29th of this month, I went in, intended to put another payment and the girl there says that in order to pay by credit card, I have to pay online, they will no longer accept credit card payments at the shop. I had to pay the bill online or I had to telephone and arrange for automatic payments. I find this a bother because I am the type of person if i think I owe money, I get very nervous. I would rather pay ahead of time, and in advance. Now has the rule of paying by credit card changed to only online and automatic payments?

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