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How to cancel my Telus contract?

Help!! Does anyone know what is involved with canceling service with telus?? Prices? the Fine print??


I have been with Telus for over 37 years (BC tel ), as an old customer, here is the only way you get out,--- after any contract you just don't renew go onto a monthly plan regardless of cell phone, cable etc...  if you cancel there are too many payout you will have to pay along with cancellation fees.  Telus is no better than Rogers, or Bell, I've had Rogers (for a month and they are worse than telus).  Just finish the contract, and stay off any contract.  Then when you want to close the account just pay your normal bill amount remaining and transfer to another company if you wish.  Here is an inside tip,  if you have been with Telus for a while, call them up and ask to cancel your plan, they will try and get you to stay with amazing deals.  Thats the only way I have found to stomach these companies, is to threaten to cancel and then get them to give you a better discount then what you have now.    Then after the deal is over cancel again, and do the circle of great deal promotions.  I hope this helps you all.

We have a related guide that many of you might find helpful: Cancelling a Phone Contract. It dives into this subject and lets people know what is possible and within your legal rights.


Hi I have a friend that have a 2 yrs contract with telus and it's really expensive she's paying 150 a month even she barely use it because she lives in gold river and there's no cell service there and she's just using that when she's going out of town. Anyway there's no problem for her paying that bill on her first half year with telus but something bad happened. She got laid off from her job got depressed because her only brother died and forced to go back to her home country and she took her phone to the Philippines and within her 1 month stayed in the Philippines she got charged a lot of money from telus. And she's not going back to canada again so she asked a friend that had a vacation in the Philippines to take the devices with her and give it to me with a letter that if I could make a way to break her contract with telus and pay the money she owe with telus tho I don't have any idea on how to do it I just said yes just to show some sympathy. The device has been sitting in my room for 5 months now I think because I was so busy with my job and forgot to do it. Just last week when I realized about the telus contract I checked her bills in telus and I was shocked that it's almost 2000 already and when i tried to use the phone there's no service at all so I assumed that telus cut her line already but I still wanna pay what she owes as a promise but I can't pay it full because it's to much for me and I don't have a stable job. So to telus is it possible for me to pay may friends bills through instalment basis because that's all I can. and if you can just possibly break her contract right away and not charge because I'm not able to pay more than what she owe before you cut her line and I believe it's not 2000 you just over charged her I think because when I checked the summary of her bills there is a month that her bill was just about 1300 and it went up to 1800 for the next month but those are the month that I received the phone from the Philippines and I never used it

Hank Van Riesen

When I got Telus TV, internet and home phone the installer just hooked up all the equipment, explained how it all worked and then left. I never signed a contract so am I still considered to be in a binding contract and if so why?

The first problem is that you are asking about fine print and you already have a contract. Maybe you should have been smart enough to read the fine print before you signed into it. It's pathetic how many of you are complaining about telus when you guys are the idiots who don't do you due diligence in signing into a contract. Clearly not smart enough to haves contract so you don't need a phone. Get a pay and talk phone instead of complaining about your problems you have cause you aren't too smart

Most barbaric company I've dealt with...My WiFi has never worked, therefore I have incurred insane amount of data because of that after being on the phone with them hrs after hrs saying, I cannot simply afford paying hunreds of dollars since this is a faulty phone and if the WiFi was working properly I would have never been in this situation..after changing phones 3 times EACH TIME MY WIFI didn't work!!!! this is the most bizarre coincidence isnt it!! No one accepted any responsibility. I have been with them for 12 years. DO NOT GO WITH TELUS. Evil company.


U guys r all idiots. When u drop ur phone and break it it is not teluses fault! U should have gotten warranty! No u can't get out of a contract, its a called a contract for a reason. And if they let u get out of it it wouldn't b a contract now would it?????? Bell and rogers are the exact same, their coverage sux and is not nearly as good as telus. I just dropped me nexus 5 and I still have another year 2 go on my contract. What am I gonna do? I'm gonna try 2 pay it off (after all, they did give me a free phone, and if they let me cancel it, they would b out $500) so I have 2 find a new phone on kijiji.

charles beaudoin
charles beaudoin
charles beaudoin

Telus.. They have staff work on commission (Bonus is on paycheck). WOw. So watch what you sign.


can i go to a new carrier with my telus phone


i have a shared plan that isnt working for me much confusion help advice if you can

Telus told me I have to die to get out of their 3-year contract! I am moving out of the country and they are the only company who doesn't understand that when a visa expires, it expires! My landlord, my kids' schools, my gym membership, my magazine subscriptions.. but NOT Telus. Hmm. I'm wondering if there is even a contract - I'm only a tourist/ does anybody know if they are actually allowed to sign up a visitor on a contract that goes beyond the time of the visitor visa?!?!?!!

we have went with shaw phone cable ntv so iwant to cancel all

A rep once told my sister that if she canceled her contract, that there would be no problem. The phone was in my name, and the bill went to collections for 900$ of a 200$ fee for canceling, as well as 20$ per month of the rest of the contract. There are definite consequences for canceling a contract, as it could ruin your credit. Luckily I was able to pay for it on time before it really screwed me over. Telus is the devil, they will lie to your face, over the phone, and try any way to get your money. My sister has another phone, and they keep changing her plan around telling her that texts will be covered, and now she's getting 200$ bills every month despite the change she keeps calling to fix. They're horrible.

i found a good website thats helped me cancel my Cell Phone Contract check it out

and i fogot to mention ive been with telus for 4 years+

I hate telus ive been paying for 2 phones that have been out of the contract for a year to 2 years now and after many phone calls they still have not cancelled the 2 phones, the third phone htc touchpro 2 still has a contract and they are charging it over 100 dollars a month with a data plan, textin and smart 50 when i first got it it was only 70 dollars a month i didnt mind it until they raised the price for no apparent reason... then when i say i want to terminate my contract with telus they threaten to take it to a collection agency

Does anyone know if you move to the states can you get out of a telus contact?

You can actually sell your cell phone and it's contract through or

And if you do, research around and you'll find there are now new companies offering unlimited talk and text plans for under $50/month in Canada and the USA!! And that's including everything!! So don't sign up with another contract until you check them out! This blog that gives a list of these cell phone companies:

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