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Has anyone been charged by Fido for Premium services that you did not request?

Hi guys,

I am new here and also new in Canada. Opened and account with Fido in August, the cheapest plan they have. I am not using the phone at all, cause dont know many people here yet. So today I looked at the monthly invoice and found out Fido is charging me $40 for Premium services (messages). I called them and asked for explanation. Also since the very first week with Fido I have been getting these Fun jokes messages from this number +55655000. I thought its some weird service from Fido so didnt pay attention to it... The Fido guy on the phone was nice but said they cant do anything about it ...gave me 50% off those $40. But am I suppose to even pay the rest? What kind of sh$t is it anyways?? I have never experienced that in Europe and I am not really willing to pay a penny for something I did not order...Any help? Thanks :devil:

I work at a Telus Mobility dealership in BC and for those of you who are having trouble with junk text messages all you have to do is reply back to the number that keeps texting you with the word STOP and hit send, you will then get a reply back saying "you will no longer get these messages" DON'T EVER SIGN UP FOR PREMIUM MESSAGE SERVICES!! ITS A BIG WASTE OF YOUR MONEY AND YOU JUST GET JUNK!!!!!!!!! BE FORWARNED THAT NO MOBILITY COMPANY WILL REVERSE ANY CHARGES!!!!! EVEN IF YOU DIDNT SIGN UP FOR IT.

Any more questions please feel free to reply back!!

These "Premium" SMS charges usually refer to clubs or memberships. Most common are "ringtone clubs" in which you sign up for a club at $9.95 a month and you get unlimited ringtones. Until recently the marketing has been pretty shady for these clubs. The advertisers did not have to mention that the club was a monthly charge, instead they could say "get 10 free ringtones" or something.

Now, thanks to some new regulation the restrictions are much more intense. The advertiser must state that it is a monthly fee and when you enter you mobile phone number, you must confirm your registration via SMS.

ok so for an update on this:

I called the customer service today and they refuse to take any responsibility for these unsolicited premium rate messages. Fido argues that the contract is only between me and the unknown (+55655000, can someone help finding this short code? i could not) company. I obviously disputed this idea because the simple fact is I DID NOT subscribe to any service and the only existing contract is between FIDO and 55655000! I asked them to say precisely when I subscribed to this service but they were unwilling to do so. They admitted that there is no confirmation necessary to receive these message. In my opinion this is just outrageous. When I offered to pay the rest of my invoice immediately and send an official dispute to the arbitration I was informed no to do this, because there is "only little possibility that you will succeed".
I am glad that Mr. Lee found this forum and I hope we might find some solution to this problem. As I have read on different European cellphone forums, the service providers there (e.g. O2) acknowledge similar fraudulent strategies and they reimburse their customers in case they cannot prove their confirmation.

Hi Miyoung,

i will be glad to tell you more about it. I am going to see Fido tomorrow to see whats what. I will ring you up during the weekend.



My name is Miyoung Lee and I work for CBC TV and I am looking for people who have received these unsolicited SMS's on their phone that would be willing to tell me about it.

If that is you can you call me?

Miyoung Lee

Funny, my brother was complaining about the exact same thing from Bell, just yesterday.

He's supposed to go speak with them today.

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