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What will happen if you stop paying for a Rogers corporate plan which you are not the account holder?

I have been in a 3 year contract on a corporate plan that I went on with my roommate and her mother, who is a teacher. My 3 year contract is up but I am apparently not allowed to leave the Corporate plan until the account holder (my roommate's mother) gives "permission" for me to leave. The problem is that this lady is not answering my calls and does not seem to care about my dilemma.
What happens if I just not pay the phone bill? I am not on a contract, I can still use my phone, and while my name is on the plan - I am not the account holder. Anyone have any suggestions?

I work for rogers and its true if the account is under someone elses name we cant transfer the cellphone into our name until we get permission. now with that said, since its not in your name, you are not responsible for the bills, if youve left the woman messages or even sent a letter (keep a copy of it), forget about that line and just start up your own account, go out and get a nice new phone.

To julesclarke

If you don't have contract, than sign up to service with another company and port out your rogers cell phone # to another order to port out from rogers, you must be a able to provide your new company 1 of 3 things, either the account number(9 digit), rogers password or IMEI used for that cellphone number. if you using the original phone rogers give you or any phone purchased on that cellphone #. you can get IMEI by dialing *#06#.. if your new company ask you is the port in cellphone number under your name, just say yes.


sounds like a strange policy. but..i wouldn't do what you mentioned...just stop paying the bill. technically until you "cancel" that contract...they have the right to keep billing you for the monthly service...even if you're not using the phone. if you fail to pay those bills..its going to get ugly and possibly affect your credit. i'd give rogers a call and explain that you cannot get ahold of the original account holder. or else...ask your roommate what is up with his/her mother ignoring your calls.

you can find the rogers customer service number here:
hope that helps.

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