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Will Bell still charge you if you leave once your contact has ended?

My contract ends may of next year. Are they gonna charge me extra to leave if my contract is over ?

Any nasty surprises ? Has anyone left bell and did they do something awful to you on the way out the door kind of thing ?

Just checking my options.

Cell phone companies issue a credit towards a device based on contract length. Shorter contract = more $ for the phone. Bigger credit = longer contract.

There is usually a charge per month remaining on contract for early termination. This varies, but most companies have both a minimum early term charge (likely 50 - 100$) and a maximum early term charge (varies, about 300 - 800$, but higher if you have a voice AND data contract).

Next time you buy a phone, ask if there is still a reduced price on the phone on shorter contracts. You will still save some money, but are tied into a shorter contract, which will mean you can receive a hardware credit (or "upgrade") sooner. Good also if you are really hard on, or often lose, your phones.

I doubt there are any phone companies who would do not have one-year manufacturer warranty. The manufacturers I deal with will extend the warranty for another ninety days from when they send the phone back to the dealer.

I'm surprised that your carrier charged you for the hardware after the fact... the contract termination fee should have included that. Really, you scammed yourself when you signed a contract for something you didn't understand just out of spite. Next time, ask for a District Manager's contact information and lodge a complaint. You ended up giving people your hard-earned money when you could have had them written up and possibly disciplined.

On Pre-Paid, you will pay significantly more for the phone, and pay incredibly amounts for any voice time you use. A monthly contract lets you cancel anytime, without dealing with phone cards and "minutes." Carriers hate pre-paid service because it costs them a ridiculous amount of money that they barely recoup, and to be perfectly honest, a lot of dealers will secretly think of you as a "vagrant."

Granted, there are some great Pre-Paid plans out there, but most expect you to top-up every month, or now they are going to monthly minimum-usage charges.

No matter what - never get your phone wet. It sounds obvious, but it will void any warranty you had, even if you purchased extended warranty. And then you're screwed. Most companies will allow you to activate a used phone if it once ran on their network, so if you can get a hold of one, it will likely be a much easier solution than breaking your contract.

Could you tell me how you got into your contract?
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I got a job in a call center for a cell phone company. I decided it might help if I actually owned a cell phone.

I walked into the store on the way to work. It was crowded, there was no place to sit down. I picked out a phone. I went to the clerk and waited in line. The manager came out and told the clerk to serve someone else I was just a "looker" , so I bought the phone just to tick him off.

3 year contract. 400$ early termination fee. PLus you pay the full price of the phone (I got a 350$ phone for $100 , so tack on 250$ to the early termination fee).

If I had bothered to stop and think about it , if I had time to read the contract, if I wasn't ticked at the manager for calling me a looker, I probably would not have bought it. But there was no place to sit down , there were people behind me I didn't have time to read the contract ...

It broke 8 months later. Took them 4 tries at a month each to fix it. During which they offered me a loaner phone for 25$. They did not extend my warrnety for the four months I didn't have the phone, and they insisted I pay for my service even though I had no phone.

I feel like I've been scammed. I'm never dealing with these people again. If I ever get another phone it's pay per use so if they try anything funny I can just turn it off and walk away with no penalties.

You know, I'm not sure. My dad left Bell a couple years ago after one year, paid out our whole contract and went to Rogers. Left Rogers within a month wnd went to Telus. I was just leaving high school, so for the most part all I cared about was "Ooh. New phone"

Could you tell me how you got into your contract? They called me offering a promo deal and said they'd send me a phone in a few days. Almost a month and a half ago. I never received the phone. I've read stories telling me how incompetent they are and I'm wondering if I can ever expect this thing to show up or if they might try to bill me without me ever having received a phone to even use.

note to self
First Dirty Trick : 60 days notice required to terminate service with bell.

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