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Does the Motorola RAZR V3c have a music player and TV?

I have a Motorola v3c from Bell. Their website states that this phone has a MP3 player in it but I can't find it. Does anyone know if it is just the ringtones on it or does it have one. Also the box says it has tv but its not under applications. Can some one help with this?

you can use the the vc3 as a mp3 player, if you have mpt and the data cable. you load them in to the music folder. then use the media gallery, and choose sounds, then at the botton you can make a new playlist choose the file's that you want.. when finished just click on the play list name. But as i understand at the moment you can not use a blue tooth earpiece to listen to the files. I use this feature all the time at work. 64kbs works fine for the files.


hah. don't apologize for engadget links. they are a great news source.
anyway...welcome to the site. happy to have you.

you are indeed right about he v3i. my bad. i'll get that up onto our site today so people can compare it, etc.


Branden, tessa and all others concerned, lol. I was checkin up on your RAZR V3i cause i hadn't heard about it, most definitely is available in Canada, check out the Rogers store . It's got a huge price tag on it but hey no need for the ROKR anymore and now the RAZR has one more good thing in common with iPod, now all they have to do is get rid of the crappy OS, snap on a 2.2 megapixel camera and have a full bluetooth capabilities (wireless printing, data, headset, etc). then MAYBE i might consider getting one... after i'm done my sentence with telus =P

The RAZR is kind of like an iPod nano.... except it SUCKS. Besides its ability to fit quite conviently inside your pocket and it's bluetooth headset ability, it's got nothing else going for it. Motorola has possibly the WORST OS ever and the camera and screen resolution is awful, not to mention the fact that like people are saying on the topic, the phone company sales teams are making it sound like it has an MP3 player, which it definitely doesn't. Branden, hadn't heard about this new V3i, will have to check that out, i have heard rumours of a successor to the RAZR, check out for some pics and info on that. My appologies admin for all the engadget links, i just came across your site today and havn't really had a chance to check it out.


badger is absolutely right. the current RAZR in Canada with Bell is the V3c and it does not have an "MP3 player" where you can load in your songs. It just allows you to listen to MP3 ringtones.

THere is a newer RAZR called the V3i which has support for iTunes but its not available in canada.


I've always found this confusing too.

I'm not sure if this is correct - but I think the "mp3 player" element means that it can play short mp3s as ringtones.

I don't think it can be used as an mp3 player in the Samsung A920 sense.

Hope this helps.

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