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How can you unlock and mod a Motorola RAZR V3?

So i went for a new phone and ended up with the razr. I want to do some mods to it but i believe it needs to be unlocked first correct? How can i check if my phone is currently locked to Rogers, and how can i unlock it if it is locked? I have a USB adapter (i cant beleive Rogers tries to sell these for so much money, its just the same mp3 player/digital camera adapter). I also have some software. What exactly do i need to unlock and start modding?


you can unlock your phone through codes to get it unlocked from network. you can get the codes from

Heh cool!!!
I came across several sites to unlock my Motorola mobile & got solution in this site T with cheap cost!!!
In order to get the unlock code for unlocking ur Motorola Razr v3 mobile click on to this site!!!
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i recently bought a moto razr cell phone as well but i got it through telus and they are so dumb i payed 70$ for the sowfware and cable and i bring it home and as it say on the box i can put mp3's on it and use them as ring tones! but of coures telus blocked this so basicly i can put mp3s on it to listent to them ?!? thats so dumb i would think it was false advertising because it say you can use them for ring tones right? it makes me so mad i was yelling at a telus rep on the phone for almost two hours they kept giving me bull$hit about how its just not compatable when the safotware is basicly made for the razr im still trying to find someone thast knows somthing about this problem or "unlocking restrictions" on the phone! please contact if you can help :cry:

What exactly are you modifying about the RAZR. I recently purchased one. What is there to unlock? I'm kind of new to the cell phone world.

the software you need...can be found on

no, there is no need to unlock your phone in order to mod can modify it simply by a 4 pin mini usb cable..

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