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Do all phones in the Nokia Lumia series run hot?

Just wondering if the whole Nokia Lumia family runs hot at the battery or is it just the 520 series? I know smartphones are now basically mini computers and do many things simultaneously without a cooling fan, but is this the norm?

Am just wondering if any news about the upcoming Lumia 735 being released in Scotland, or would the 820 be a better option, any personal opinions would be much appreciated, since am a smartphone newbie (Lumia 520 at the mo.) and looking to step up the phone ladder a few rungs. Thanks in advance for all the help.

Actually, all gadgets generate heat. In smartphones, it happens when your phone is processing a lot. Example of which is when playing games, watching a video, or a long call. I suggest resting your phone every now and then when it gets hot. Because if you don't, it may damage your battery, or worse, your phone.

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