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David Friesen

Do you replace apple cell phone batteries?(e.g. 5S battery)

  • 1 Answer

Can I text or iMessage without wifi?


My credit

  • 1 Answer

April Prosper

Changing plan

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Barb Chartier

Is there a way to view the numbers I called or texted

  • 1 Answer



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Margery hart

How to delete photos from doro mobile

  • 2 Answers

Colleen Keays

call forwarding

  • 1 Answer

Don Costello

How to reset voicemail password on my cell phone

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Who is the best cell service in BC?

Bette R Carter

My moto g phone rings but no icon appears to answer the call

  • 1 Answer


Where do I install the sim card?


New customer

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Spencer Brewster

Contact phone number

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Bruce Birtwistle

Your Call backs keep hanging up

Paul Patro

Can i upgrade my phone

  • 1 Answer

Richard Marois

List of Voicemail commands

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