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Where can you buy used Bell phones?

I have had my bell system phone stolen, and only one year into the contract. Where is a good spot to try to source out a used bell phone - ideally - Nokia 2855i, but at this point - would consider any options. Any ideas?

New to the form business bear with me
When bell changes their charges and we have 30 days What does that entitle us to?

Or is it just another way for Bell to give it to us?

Well you may be right with the old saying you get what you pay for. The cheap PC mobile phone that I mentioned is exactly the same model as the 129.99 phone from the Bell Dealer. Both are brand new and came with a 1yr warranty.

Bell should not charge a "service fee" when they are selling you a phone at the full price.

A service fee is ultimately 100% commission, to pay the dealer for their time. But the dealer will also get a commission on the phone as well, likely whether they charge a service fee or not.

Perhaps the way they issue credits is different, but it seems shady that they would charge that on a full price phone. SaskTel only does that for upgrades (phones receiving a credit) not an outright purchase and they are a sister company.

You could try another Bell dealer. There are oftentimes many dealerships owned by different people with slightly different fees for "service."

Buying a PC Mobile phone... well, a good price usually means you get what you pay for. Good luck receiving any assistance if you have issues with the phone. At least if you buy it from an authorized dealer, you will receive a one year warranty from the manufacturer. A used phone will not always be flagged as stolen, depending on the carrier and how they track these things.
The PC Mobile phones I have seen are ones that have been discontinued, made extremely cheaply, or have known issues. Like I said... the price is right. Likely you will pay more in the long run to be honest, though.

Also, at least a used phone means that there will be one less device trashed before its time. Cheap, disposable electronics make me so sad... I'd rather pay more for something that is actually decent quality.

The local sites for where I live go by used(cityname).ca, ie:
kajiji is good I hear also, though. If you buy a phone from a person, and you meet with them, you should be able to tell pretty easily if it was stolen. Someone legitimately getting rid of their old phone should have the box, or at least the home charger, and should have some knowledge of the phone, its settings... you can tell if a person is unfamiliar with a phone...

My wife lost her phone recently and we are only 4 months into a 2 yr contract. When I went to the Bell store, they told me our only option was to buy a phone at the "no contract price" of cdn129.99 (which was the cheapest phone they had) plus 25 dollars as service fee to transfer my wife's number to this phone. What I found strange is that the same phone was being sold as a pay as you go phone for only cdn69.99. When I asked the rep if I could buy the prepaid phone and hook it up to my wife's number, he said that they are not allowed to do this. I believe this is because pay as you go phones are sold at subsidized prices by the telecom cos to get customers in the same way that they give you free phones (and even pay their dealers money) for signing up customers into contracts.

However, hooking up pay as you go phones to your account CAN BE DONE if you know how to do it. So after doing some research, I bought the same phone model at Superstore for only cdn 29 (sale price of 39 w/ an additional 10 bucks off your groceries). Superstore sells phones under their own brand PC mobile but since its also under the Bell network, I kinda figured that it should work with Bell as well.

The thing here is that you should sign up with Bell for its online banking at Once you have signed up and logged in to your account, one of the options is to change your phone. Click on that option and enter the ESN or MSEI number of your new phone. This 10-15 digit number can be found at the box of your phone or by removing the battery of your phone. After following all the prompts, you should be able to complete this quite easily. A 6 digit unlock code will then be generated which you would need to list down.

The last step would be programming your phone. Dial ## and the 6 digit unlock code then # then edit the number for MSID and MEIN twice. After your done, your phone should work fine.

Dont buy phones from ebay, kijiji or craigslist, if the phone you get is a stolen phone reported to bell by the original owner, the phone's serial number will be on the negative list and you won't be able to use this at all!!!

in the past i've used and for bell cellular phones. i don't do contracts with bell anymore!!!

agree. try ebay or kijiji. you can also try

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