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Rogers issue help

Have been a customer for over 10 years. Over recent years had a family plan put on place for a 2nd phone for daughter but daughter removed herself to pay her own bill this past march. It seems all the revenue from prior to that point of plan was lost.

My current plan is running out now and want to use revenue for phone upgrade but they are only attributing revenue since march point where family plan was cancelled.

Whats worse is daughter's contract ran out and used her revenue to get an upgrade free blackberry pearl. I wanted same upgrade of getting the blackberry pearl with a new 3 year contract but they said could not give it due to not enough revenue built up. Basically they lost 10 years worth of revenue and now expect with a new plan to pay for a new phone, administration fees and the works.

What recourse do I have?

I work for Rogers and theres nothing we can do, I know its harsh but we have no way of changing the prices or the rules, it doesnt matter how long youve been with rogers or how many services you have with rogers. its all based of revenue.

Please let me know if you figure this out because I am also trapped in Rogers service nightmare since I bought a new phone and added a wireless device. This has been ongoing for 3 months and I have spent at least 50 hours trying to resolve the problem. Also the "Rogers stick" broke within a month and hasn't been replaced. This company has completely lost control of their ability to deal with problems because of their system of departmentalizing all issues. I highly recommend that no one sign up with Rogers, and if you do watch every bill like a hawk - I have had them switch my plan to one that costs hundred of dollars more and then refuse to credit any problems prior to two months.

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