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Does Bell extend the contract if you change or switch your plan?

Title pretty much says it all.

If I change the plan halfway through my 36mnth Bell contract (ex. here, I don't actually have a contract), will it extend the contract by a set amount of time, or back to 36mnths? What if I add or take away an added feature (like call display), will that also affect my contract time?

I've heard that most companies do this, but of course I can't find a straight answer from Bell.

Thanks for help.

The reason you'd get your plan extended is if you're asking for a plan that has a promotional bonus on signing a 3 year contract. I can't think of an example for Bell, but in the case of Rogers, they have their unlimited incoming plans which require a 3 year contract. If you already have a 3 year contract, at any point into the contract you can switch to the Mega Incoming plan. If, however you want the unlimited network calling bonus and extra 50 minutes bonus your contract would be extended another 3 years. Sometimes, however, even if you're just switching your plan the CxS will extend your contract even though they're not supposed to. I've had that happen on Fido and it was easily fixed. In the case of Bell, their service is overall the pits so I wouldn't necessarily trust them.

Hello Chicken Warrior,

If you couldn't get a straight answer from Bell's representatives, it's because they're incompetent. Like any cell phone carriers, if you have an agreement, you are allowed to change plans during your agreement but it's most likely that you will be charged 25$ (or whatever the max administration fee is these days). Also I doubt they would restart your agreement because you changed your monthly plan. I know this applies to other services such as express vu or their DSL but cell phone services are different and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't last very long if they applied the same rules for Cell phone services.

I've never used the bell's cell phone service but I did use the residential line and express vu and if they have the same mentality for their cell phone services they're probably going to overcharge you for using their outdated CDMA technology. Also please note that if I'm not mistaken they have the most expensive system access fee for their monthly plan which is just plain dumb because they don't have the best network to go with it right now.

I'm still a student so I'm a little tight on some expenses that I consider useless (such as system access fees) but if you like their service then I'm happy for you and I just wish you won't get stuck with the lousy rep at their center like I did.

Anyways you can always try to call them back and confirm regarding the agreement but I'm pretty sure that if you have time and go in stores the sales person can answer that right away.

Regarding the HTC, I never used it but TV streaming is actually part of a surfing option available with fido and rogers but you get very limited channels. I don't know if Bell is offering the option but before even considering that you have to make sure your phone has 3G technology which allows you to make video call if I'm not mistaken. And regarding streaming radio (did you mean listening to the radio?), it's usually a feature included within the cell phone that shouldn't cost you any air time or option packages... If it does then you're being totally ripped off.

Hope this helps.

One more question - what is the likelihood of Bell supporting TV/streaming radio on the HTC Touch in the future?

Not the answer you were looking for?