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Where can you buy a cheap Motorola RAZR V3c that can be used with the Telus network?

I'm currently under contract with Telus, however i was stupid when i signed up and just got the cheapest phone they had. I still have 2 years left in my contract but i really need a new phone. I'm looking to grab the Razr V3c model but i dont wanna pay Telus' price of 400$ plus tax. Every store i go to only sells the Razrs for Rogers and Fido. Does anyone know where i could find this phone at a reasonable price?


am looking for a Telus Motorola RAZR Cell Phone it need to have the 2006.04.00R networth model number V3C
text or call anytime if anyone has one to sell will buy asap
1-587-253-1424 OR email me anytime [email protected]

he is in ont and just call him maybe he will answer you

Niruban whay province are you in? i am in calgary and i was just wonder ing like what is the shape is the RAZR in? bad,ok,good,excellent or MINT! please because i am very interested and i just want to know how much all of the shipping costs will be and stuff like that. i am so crazy about them. and would you happen to no how durable the phone is? Waht color is the phone? ( because i would perfer to have it in coral gery.) and does every thing work on the cell phones ringtones?,buttons,text,camera, and every thing like that.

and my last Question is does the RAZR that you have does it have any ringtones on it currently?

Thanx Niruban:smile:

Hi steven.

I am planing to sell it for $250 including Leather Carry Case (value $35) and Bluetooth (value$55). The phone has lot of good things but u could only talk for 120 minutes( on telus web it says 180 minutes). And telus has a good technology of signal than rogers. I give u guranty for that bec I had been with rogers for two years. Camera is really really good ,call quality and buttons everything is good. if u still interesting call me at 416- 888 7422 or [email protected]


niru81 how much r u selling the RAZR 4? (very interested!) i want to no how are the RAZR's for durabillity? call quality,camera and buttons?? plz help me i need the details and the info because i dont want to make a mistake with buying this phone thanx to andyone that can help (LOL very funny

thank you if you can help niru81:smile:

you could print out a picture of the razr, and glue it onto your existing phone... ? :bigsmile:

Hi Mike.

I saw ur info that u looking for buying Telus RAZR phone. That's the phone I have it and I am planing to sell it and buy a different phone with telus.I just bought about 2 months ago with Telus. There is no scratch nothing on it. Still look new. So if u still have an interesting on buying this phone give me a call at 416-888 7422 or [email protected], If no answer leave a MSG>

Hi, I work at the cell phones dept. at futureshop and unfortunately telus only allows you to upgrade ur phone 6 months before your contract ends, so you wouldn't be eligible for a contract renewable. I'm with telus too, and yes they're phones are expensive as hell, I've tried ebay and no one sell's razrs for telus clients. If you live in southern ontario, you should try Pacific Mall for a good deal.

check eBay for deals or call Telus client care and explain to them you would like a different phone and see what they can do for you. I tried that and they gave me a great deal. It never hurts to try. Good luck!

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