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How can you make the Samsung a920 recognize where images and ringtones are on a memory card?

well, i have this phone, and im new to the phonething. but i can connect my memory card to my computer, but how do i make the phone recognize where images are, or ringtone files are? i heard the a900 is similar.any help will be great!

Oh yeah, there is fully functional program that backs up your phone and all data, in either direction but you must buy the proprietory cable and I had just dropped the 39.00 for sprints. I almost forgot and actually have forgotten the vendor. Their freeware software almost but not quite will work with the mobile office (not) cable from sprint and probably would with a little reverse hacking. I will find the vendor before I log out.

There is an adapter that turns you little mini-mem into standard sdram that plugs into printers and other readers .
Keep the folders you find there intact and explorer treat it like a drive. load it up.
Bit pim has the closest software but hasn't directly been rigged for the a920. there is a version for most cool phones and it lets you change stuff best left alone, besides total access and control of audio/video/photos/games/apps.
This could have been a great phone except for the deliberate disabling of functions already designed in but not likely to generate income. Pretty sad.
Battery life is phenomenol, almost LG like when you go to settings, display, power save mode. I listen to streaming music for hours, like 6-8 and without ps get less than an hour.

jim, the USB cord will allow for some sort of data transfer, as soon as the software is out. More importantly however, is the fact that the USB cord can be used with pictbridge technology, and thusly you can print pictures directly from your cell phone with a printer that allows for it.

dRuNk, the battery life is unfortunately rather short compared to other handsets. Not too much though, look in the vicinity of 3 hours talk time. In terms of music, it will vary whether or not you are listening through the external stereo speakers or not.

and also does anyone know how long the battery life will last...for music alone and talking alone???

so how do you transfer mp3's to the flash card? Im asuming there is another adapter i have to buy? And why would the phone come with a usb cord if you cant use it to transfer your music from your computer to your phone?

Unfortunately, you can't. You can only transfer mp3's via the transflash card, or by downloading directly to your phone.

Hi, Does anyone know how to correctly use the data cable to download mp3's from the computer to my a920??? i have tried downloading a pc l ink from samsung's website n that didnt work and there was no software that came with the phone itself either... i wud appreciate any input! thanks!

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