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Will you be charged for roaming if you call in a different city besides the one where you purchased you phone?

We were visiting Saskatoon and when I got my cellphone over a year ago, I asked the salesman if I was visiting out of the province and was staying for a week or so in another city, whether I could make local calls and I could still use my minutes. He said as long as I did not receive calls because then they would go back to Winnipeg where I got my phone and would be considered long distance.
Now my sister=in-law who has Telus says that now if I use a cellphone in another city in Canada other than the one I purchased it, I will be charged roaming charges. I understand that if I were visiting in the States, I would since Rogers is not in the States, so has the rules changed?
Will I be charged roaming charges for initiating a call in a Canadian city other than Winnipeg even though it is on the Rogers Network?

you only get charged for roaming if you are outside cananda. and with rogers you can make local calls in saskatoon but if you answer the phone or call someone who lives outside saskatoon you will get charged long distance.

As long as you're plan is with Rogers, and you're using the Rogers network, you shouldn't be charged for roaming. However, you should check the details of the plan that you purchased.

If you've finished your contract with Rogers, you might want to wait and see what has to offer.

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