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Will a Virgin Mobile prepaid phone card work on a Bell prepaid phone?

Will a Virgin prepaid phone card work on an old Samsung cell phone that is not currently activated. It used to be on a Bell plan & then on Bell prepaid. I'm looking for a cheap plan that doesn't continually expire as I use the phone very seldom. Thanks

most canadian cell companys don't use SIM cards, so the phones are locked into their own radio frequency. This is called CDMA . If you get an account with one that uses Sim card phones; eg. Rogers or 7-11, you may be able to buy a new sim card for that companynd use in an unlocked phone. Remember, phones are just a fancy radio, and the frequencies inside them limit your access to connection. A new thing in my area is the Talkback phones from 7-11 stores [on Rogers system]- their prepaid cards are good for a full year, no matter what dollar amount. Also, the system gives Local calling rates for ALL 905 area code ! Thats a big area !! Only con, is you can only buy cards for topup at a 7-11 store.

Thanks for the info. I was afraid it worked that way. I guess I'll have to figure out another plan of attack.

Thanks again

If you have a Bell phone you will need to get a bell plan as Bell does not unlock their phones, just as telus you cant unlock them. CDMA phones are usually built for one provider only and can't be used with a different one other then the it was purchased for. If you are looking to use the Virgin card you would need a Virgin phone and plan im affraid.

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