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What can you do with your contract if your phone doesn’t work anymore?

I'm hoping someone has some insight on what I can do regarding my Telus contact (2 years remaining) and my crappy i830 that doesn't work.

The phone was sent for service 2 times during the 1st year and the intermittant problems were never correctly fixed. Now the 1 year phone warranty is up and the phone still doesn't work.

Telus couldn't care less. All they've offered to do is to "allow" me to get into a new 3 year contract with a new phone. Which I don't want.

I really want to cancel my contract or get the phone fixed or get something without having to give up anything (which I shouldn't have to).

I'm really hoping someone knows of some legal rights I may have.


does anyone know how to do an ESN number swap?. i have an old cell phone and want to switch to a newer phone that i have without paying telus $25.

I keep my old phones as back up...then I only pay the transfer fee, but i'm still in a contract. One more year to go! Weee!

If you used it for a year and it's becoming a problem now then perhaps something happend. I have always found it more expensive to 'fix' the problem.

Actually with Telus, there is no cancellation fee cap like Rogers (which is $200), so it's $20 X # of months left

to cancel with telus you must:
a) pay 20$ x the remaining number of months, or
b) pay 200$
whichever is more is what you'll have to do
hope it helps : )

PS, as I suspected , it IS Motorola.....maybe they should stick to computer chips!


sorry. grantg24 is right. short of legally declaring yourself dead you signed into that contract and you have to hold up your end of the bargain - as bad as you might now think it is.

As grantg24 said. You can:

- pay the early cancellation fee (check the fine print on back. probably $200 or $250)
- try and get that phone fixed once and for all (bit of a gamble by the sounds of it)
- purchase a brand new phone at full retail price
- purchase a compatiable phone used from ebay or the dealer or somewhere

You probably got the phone for cheap when you signed your contract. These phones are not normally that cheap. The cost from Motorola is several hundred dollars but Telus says..."hey Jonessoda. if you agree to use our service for 3 years, we'll pay for some of your phone for you." Now they've paid for a bit of your phone but havn't got their money back in your monthly bills.

I wish subsidized phones was illegal - its too much heartache for too many people. but... its the name of the game. We all like the sound of a "FREE" phone.

good luck and sorry to hear about your troubles.

You have three choices pay to cancell the contract (Your going to have to pay). Get the phone fix, or go to the PResident Office.

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