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Which is the best task killer for Android?

Advanced Task Killer

Also known as ATK, Advanced Task Killer is a great way to make sure your phone doesn't have a zillion apps running in the background, eating up your battery charge and slowing down your phone's performance.

ATK's interface is simple to use, and allows you to select which apps you want to "kill" (turn off), how aggressively you want the app to function and several other settings that allow for personalization and a perfect fit.

I really love ATK, and discovered just how important it was shortly after getting my Droid X. I didn't realize that each time I opened an application, it remained running even after I left it and went on to something else.

With Advanced Task Killer you will enjoy better performance and extended battery life. Oh, and it's free.

They say using task killer on your phone isn't really advisable and you should just leave your Android as it is to manage it's memory on it's own. People use task killers hoping to extend battery life even for a little bit. But in some cases, task killers can even drain your battery faster. Click here to read the article.

But if you really want to use a task killer, try Advanced Task Killer. It's the most downloaded task killer in Google Play.

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