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Why does my LG Revolution shut off by itself?

I have read customer reviews and it seems to be a problem among other LG Revolution phone users. What will LG do to rectify this issue? Will this phone have a recall? It is unreliable and unacceptable to have a phone shut off and need to be rebooted for no reason. It is not just an inconvenience (ie; no alarm to wake me up, cutting out in the middle of a song or conversation) it is a safety issue (ie; young female walking home, phone shuts off and having to wait for a phone to reboot, not getting a late night phone call that my father is in the hospital). Needless to say I am very disappointed with the very basic qualities of this device.

Hi Pam. Have you had your phone checked already? Bring your phone to an LG authorized repair center to have it checked and hopefully have the issue fixed.

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