Android Dominates Smartphone Sales in US, Europe and Australia

Android has increased its dominance in the US, European and Australian markets according to a recent study by research firm Kantar Worldpanel ComTech. This is the first time that Android has dominated major markets which include U.S., Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain, and Australia. In each of these markets, Android has more than half of the smartphone sales, except for Italy where Android has 49.6 percent. Android saw the highest market share in Spain which is at 84.1 percent.

Dominic Sunnebo, ComTech’s consumer insight director, believes that the huge sales growth of Android is largely due to the trend that most consumers are now upgrading their feature phones to smartphones.

Other sources

Android handsets currently offer an easier platform to enable these consumers to upgrade, as many first time smartphone consumers state 'price of handset' and 'multimedia capabilities' as their main reason for choosing an Android device. - Dominic Sunnebo  
What’s fascinating about the new Kantar data is that is seems to affirm what the European phone industry has been buzzing about this year: Apple’s grasp of the market in Germany and France seems a lot more tenuous than its grip on the United Kingdom. - Tero Kuittinen, BGR  
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