Gingerbread still king of Android, ICS and Jelly Bean slow to catch up
Into Mobile

Google's latest Android OS distribution chart shows little difference to the numbers from last month, as Gingerbread still remains the most popular version of the mobile operating system existence, powering 50% of all devices that are active in the wild. Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, which sit at 27.5% and 6.7%, respectively, are both seen as eating away at Gingerbread's dominance slowly but surely. Versions of Android from 2.2 Froyo and lower are currently holding 13.4% collectively.

What Else You Need To Know

  • Google is expected to launch an even newer version of Android some time in mid-2013, by which time Android 4.0 and Android 4.1 should be the most popular versions of their OS.

Other sources

We still don’t know if a more elegant update process is in the works for Android devices, but if there is, it’ll likely be a while before end-users see it. - Blake Stimac, Intomobile  
Into Mobile
Android Jelly Bean claims almost 7% of devices
Google updates its Android Distribution numbers
Android Guys
Android monthly update: Gingerbread still has majority, Jelly Bean climbs up