Apple botches Maps in iOS 6 update
Phone Arena

Apple's recently released software update for certain models of the iPhone, iPad, and iPad touch, appears to have rendered the native Maps application almost completely useless. The new Maps app seems to show mainly wrong information and simply gives users wrong directions unlike the previous version of Maps in iOS. Many landmarks appear to have been moved from their actual locations, bridges appear under water, and airports seem to be built on hilltops in the new Maps. Apple has since released a statement saying that the Maps app is still a work in progress, and users have the option to manually add Google Maps to their devices for a better alternative.

What Else You Need To Know

  • Apple had to come up with its own mapping application since Google Maps is not included as an official native app in the latest iOS software update.

Other sources

Apple is facing its first significant failure in years with a major backlash against its brand new mapping service, introduced this week for iPhone users. - Juliette Garside, The Guardian  
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The Guardian
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Apple Insider
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WM Power User
Apple’s maps in iOS 6 “a tremendous step backwards and something that cripples iOS for Apple’s customers.”
Phone Arena
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