Apple Nabs Windows Hacker to Boost Security

Apple has hired a hacker known for helping Microsoft save the Windows Vista from being a complete disaster. Kristin Paget, who helped Microsoft's security team discover bugs in Vista prior to its 2007 launch, has been officially hired by Apple to boost its own security team, according to reporting from Wired. It's not clear if Paget would be working on beefing up security on desktop-running OS X, or the mobile-based iOS or both.

What Else You Need To Know

  • Apple's Macs used to be known as "virus-free" computers but are now becoming more vulnerable to attacks and malware.
  • With sales of mobile devices outpacing PCs, iOS devices are increasingly attacked by spam and malware.

Other sources

Paget helped prevent “a lot of bugs from shipping on Vista” and we kid you not, was awarded with a T-shirt signed by Microsoft Vice President of Windows Development Brian Valentine that read: “I delayed Windows Vista.” - Brad Reed, BGR  
While the hacker's responsibilites at Apple remain unknown, it can be speculated that she will be working to thwart future attacks like the Flashback trojan that affected an estimated 600,000 Macs in April. - Mikey Campbell, Apple Insider  
Apple Hires Hacker Who Helped Save Windows From Security Hell
iPhone In Canada Blog
Elite Hacker Kristin Paget Is Now Working For Apple
Apple hires former Microsoft hacker to bolster OS security
Apple Hires Hacker to Plug Potential Security Flaws in OS X
Apple hires ex-Microsoft hacker to beef up operating system security  

Paget helped prevent “a lot of bugs from shipping on Vista” and we kid you not, was awarded with a T-shirt signed by Microsoft Vice President of Windows Development Brian Valentine that read: “I delayed Windows Vista.”

Apple Insider
Apple hires former Windows security hacker to strengthen OS X  

While the hacker's responsibilites at Apple remain unknown, it can be speculated that she will be working to thwart future attacks like the Flashback trojan that affected an estimated 600,000 Macs in April.

iPhone In Canada Blog
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