Apple's iOS 7 to Get Massive Overhaul
iPhone Download Blog

Apple is working on a massive overhaul of its mobile operating system and its engineers are "racing" to finish iOS 7 in time for a preview at the annual WWDC developers' conference in June. According to Bloomberg News, Jonathan Ive, Apple’s SVP of Industrial Design, is working on drastic changes to apps and functions that have been largely unchanged since 2007. The sweeping software overhaul reportedly includes changing the user interface to a more flat and minimalist design, making more dramatic changes to the e-mail and calendar tools, and “shunning realistic images, such as wood bookshelves for the Newsstand feature. Apple is reportedly aiming for a September release of iOS 7 (which would be launched together with a new mobile device) but the date could get pushed back as the company is already behind schedule for internal testing.

What Else You Need To Know

  • Apple CEO Tim Cook six months ago fired iOS architect Scott Forstall over his Steve Jobs-like abrasive management style.
  • Ive has pushed for collaboration between the software and hardware divisions and is reportedly methodically reviewing new designs to avoid another Maps-like misstep.

Other sources

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