comScore data says Android now on 34% of smartphones in Canada
Mobile Syrup

comScore's latest results for the month of June shows that 34% of all smartphones in Canada are now running Google's open Android operating system. This is followed by Apple's iOS, which is on 32% of all smartphones. RIM follows in third at 27%. And as for overall smartphone marketshare, Samsung is the current leader in Android, owning 45% of the market.

What Else You Need To Know

  • The latest comScore data shows that over 70% of all Android devices in Canada are running versions 2.2 and 2.3 of the Android software.

Other sources

Mobile Syrup
comScore: 34% of smartphones in Canada are running Android (June 2012 numbers)  

CRTC: smartphone penetration is up, voice usage is down, and people are using a lot of data.

Mobile Burn
Android is now the top operating system in Canada, says comScore  

Though Canada and the U.S. have a similar percentage of smartphone users, research firm comScore reports that the mobile landscape is more competitive in Canada. Android reigns, but the gap is smaller than it is in the U.S.