Google and Asus Boost Nexus 7 with 3G Model

Tablet buyers turned off by Nexus 7's lack of Internet access outside Wi-Fi areas may have look twice. The 3G variant of the 7-inch tablet will be launched in around six weeks, Paul O'Brien over at MoDaCo reports, citing a "well-placed source." O'Brien said that 3G Nexus will be identical to the current Nexus 7. The well-received tablet has been lauded for its powerful quad-core processor, high resolution display, built-in NFC, and Jelly Bean operating system, but hit for its lack of an SD card and cellular connectivity. Pricing and availability of the 3G model with carriers have not been confirmed.

What Else You Need To Know

  • The 8GB, Wi-Fi only model of the tablet co-developed by Google and Asus launched released in July for $199.
  • An October launch of the 3G Nexus 7 could put the device up against Apple's iPad mini, Apple's first 7-inch iPad, as well as the Amazon Kindle Fire 2.

Other sources

Adding the manufacturing cost and other factors, we can speculate that the Nexus 3G will cost about $20-$30 extra over the base version. - Bogdan Petrovan, Android  
There isn't much wrong with the Nexus 7, but one drawback for some might be the lack of mobile data connectivity — such that we questioned the Android tablet's suitability for the camping trip shown in its first commercial. - Sam Byford, The Verge  
3G Nexus 7 could be coming in 'around six weeks'
Google Nexus 7 with 3G coming in six weeks?  

For those of you who are not familiar with O’Brien, the blogger is a respected name in the mobile industry, establishing the popular MoDaCo forums and site back in 2002. While that doesn’t guarantee the accuracy of the news, it does add credence to an otherwise unverified account.

Android Central
'Nexus 7 3G' rumored for launch within weeks  

Interestingly, such a launch timeframe could put the device up against Apple's 7-inch iPad (or 'iPad mini'), which is expected to be announced on Sept. 12 and released in mid-October.

Tech Advisor
Google Nexus 7 with 3G to arrive this year?  

The Nexus 7 is excellent but the lack of 3G was mentioned in many a review, including ours, and by owners.

Google Nexus 7 tablet 3G version imminent  

There’s no word on what the inclusion of 3G would mean in terms of hiking up the price of the Nexus 7 - a tablet that is actually manufacturer by Asus – but it’s sure to find an audience with customers who want to stay connected on the go.

Nexus 7 3G Version Could Hit the Stores in 6 Weeks
Nexus 7 3G reportedly fast incoming  

Pricing and availability for the 3G Nexus 7 have not been confirmed, and nor is is clear whether Google and ASUS will opt for 3G connectivity such as HSPA/HSPA+ or 4G like LTE. We wouldn’t be surprised to see a roughly $50-70 mark-up in return for the cellular modem, however.

Google to launch new Nexus 7 with 3G in mid-October  

BGR reviewed the Nexus 7 on video in July and called it the best low-cost tablet money can buy.

Tech Radar
3G-enabled Google Nexus 7 could arrive in six weeks  

The exact Google Nexus 7 3G release date and price are currently unknown, as is the legitimacy of the source who revealed the information, but with the likes of the Amazon Kindle Fire 2 and potentially the iPad Mini both on the horizon, Google will want to ensure it stays dominant at the budget end of the market.

Cell Phone Signal
Google May Add 3G Wireless To Its 7-Inch Nexus Tablet (GOOG)