Google Nexus 7 already sold out on first day of availability in the US

The Nexus 7, Google’s entry to the tablet market, has landed on US shores and is off to a hot start. Major retailers are already running out of the 7-incher on just the first day of the tablet’s availability. No surprise here given the immense demand for the Nexus 7 since its announcement.

Retailers like GameStop already ripped through their first two allotments of the tablet while New York-based Adorama said that the Nexus 7 has sold out. Pre-orders offered by the two retailers have a tentative ship date of mid-August and this seems to be inline with other retail chains as well.

Other sources

Google has started shipping units of the highly anticipated Nexus 7 tablet, but multiple retailers said the tablet has sold out and that they are struggling to fill orders. - Agam Shah, PC World  
Google Nexus 7 already sold out on first day of availability in the US. - GameStop spokesperson  
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