Google updates Android distribution numbers as it dominates world smartphone market
Into Mobile

Google's just-released monthly breakdown of Android devices based on OS versions has revealed that Gingerbread is still the most popular one of them all, accounting for 54% of all smartphones in the wild. Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, meanwhile, is performing well, as it now takes up over 25% of all smartphones. And Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, which is now on 2.7% of all devices, is rising up rather slowly but surely. The IDC also published a new report saying that Android now holds 75% of the world smartphone market. With new Android handsets scheduled to be released through the end of this year, this number just might increase even further.

What Else You Need To Know

  • Android smartphone market share rose up along with Apple iOS and Microsoft Windows Phone, while RIM's BlackBerry and Nokia's Symbian both suffered losses and continue to languish at the bottom.
  • Android is currently on version 4.2 but retains the "Jelly Bean" monicker from version 4.1.

Other sources

It’s a shame, but that’s the sad truth that we have to deal with. Most folks with these “dead in water” phones probably won’t be getting rid of them until their upgrades are up. - Quentyn Kennemer, Phandroid  
We’ll likely see an uptick over the next few quarters as handsets running Windows Phone 8 and BlackBerry 10 come to market, but will it be enough to make a dent in the commanding lead held by Android and, to a lesser degree, iOS? - Anthony Domanico, Intomobile  
Phone Arena
Android 4.1 now on 2.7% of Android phones  

The monthly breakdown of the distribution of the different versions of the Android OS shows that 2.7% of Android users are rocking an Android phone with Jelly Bean.

Android Distribution Numbers Updated – Gingerbread At 54%, Android 4.x at 28.5%  

Android 4.0 and Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean still occupy a relatively low 28.5% of the market share.

Android now has 75 per cent of the smartphone market, according to Q3 results  

According to IDC, 181.1 million smartphones were shipped in Q3 of this year, 136 million of which were Android powered phones.

Latest Android distribution numbers show Android 4.1 Jelly Bean on 2.7 percent of devices  

Google has updated the Android distribution page on its developer website.

Android 4.0 and 4.1 on More Android Devices, Gingerbread Still Leads
Android Tapp
Android fragmentation: less than 3% on Google’s latest, most devices on two-year old software, not the case with Apple products
Mobile Burn
Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich nears 26 percent of Android population, Gingerbread is still king  

Google has released its latest report on the current distribution of Android smartphones and tablets that accessed Google Play in the past two weeks.

Android Guys
IDC: Android hits 75% market share on fourth anniversary of platform
Mobile Burn
Android captures 75 percent of global smartphone shipments in Q3 2012  

Four years after its commercial debut, the Android operating system now accounts for 75 percent of global smartphones.

GSM Arena
Android distribution unveils marginal Jelly Bean and ICS growth