HTC to Go Loud, Drops "Quietly Brilliant" Tagline

HTC's new marketing chief, Ben Ho, said the Taiwanese company will drop its "quietly brilliant" slogan with the key concepts "bold", "authentic", and "playful". Ho explained to the Wall Street Journal that the company's rhetoric "hasn't been loud enough" thus its previous flagship devices went comparatively unnoticed amidst a sea of inferior Androids. With a new flagship device set to rival Apple's iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy SIV, HTC this year will spend 250% more on marketing in digital media and 100% more on marketing in traditional media. Ho also confirmed that supply shortage, specifically involving components for the Ultrapixel camera, is what's behind the delayed rollout of the flagship HTC One. HTC was one of the early Android adopters but has seen disappointing results of late, including a 41% slide in sales in fourth quarter sales.

What Else You Need To Know

  • HTC's chief marketing officer said in a media briefing that "bold" is about the innovation the HTC One brings to the table; "authentic" is about HTC's ideas being original; while "playful" is about HTC phones including more features based on what users want.
  • Ho noted that while a brand can be global, an ad can't be universal; so HTC's international campaigns will differ according to the culture of the market they're aimed at.

Other sources

The company has been quietly watching their revenues fall, making great products but simply not marketing them well enough. - Jeff Clinton, UnleashThePhones  
While many would agree that HTC hasn’t made much noise in the industry over the past couple of years, most would concur that their marketing hasn’t been so brilliant. - Kevin Krause, Phandroid  
HTC wants to be “bold, authentic and playful”, no longer “quietly brilliant”
HTC turns up the volume by retiring its 'Quietly Brilliant' tagline
HTC retiring their ‘Quietly Brilliant’ tagline [in favour of more Agressive Marketing]
Mobile Crunch
HTC Will Start Being More Vocal About Its Brilliance, Confirms Camera Supply Is Behind HTC One Delay
Phone Arena
HTC will ditch 'quietly brillian' slogan, confirms HTC One delayed because of camera supply issues
Phone Arena
HTC will ditch 'quietly brilliant' slogan, confirms HTC One delayed because of camera supply issues
HTC Is About To Get More Aggressive In Its Battle Against Samsung
HTC Source
HTC doubles marketing budget, leaves its ‘quietly brilliant’ ways behind
HTC Drops “Quietly Brilliant” Tagline as Company Steps Up Marketing Efforts
HTC no longer ‘quietly brilliant’? Company drops tagline from marketing efforts