iPad Clock Allegedly Stole Swiss Railway Design

The iOS 6 software update for the iPad 2 and new iPad includes a long awaited clock app. Different from the one installed in the iPhone, the iPad's new clock features a minimalist design that uses black dashes for numbers, and a red second hand with a circle at the end. But the design is an imitation of the Swiss Railway Clock, claims trademark owner SBB or Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen. SBB is planning to ask financial compensation from Apple.

What Else You Need To Know

  • Apple has been both in the offensive and defensive in patent disputes with Android device-makers like Samsung, HTC and Motorola.
  • Apple recently won a $1.049 billion jury verdict in California in a lawsuit that claims Samsung "slavishly" copied the design and functionality of the iPhone and iPad. The ruling is being appealed by the Korean electronics giant.

Other sources

Design issues aside, the clock is a welcome addition to the iPad, which until now has bizarrely lacked the alarm clock and timer features found on other iOS devices. - Ina Fried, AllThingsD  
The minimalist clock, which is emblematic of Switzerland's tradition of punctuality, was designed for the national rail service to help travelers to check the time at a distance as they hurried to catch their trains. - Catherine Bosley, Reuters  
Swiss Railway Claims Apple Stole Clock Design for New iOS 6 Clock  

A spokesman for the railway explained that while the company likes that Apple used the Swiss Railway Clock, it did so without authorization. The railway is going to contact Apple, with the goal of obtaining a legal and financial solution to the use of the clock in the iPad.

Apple accused of plagiarizing iconic Swiss clock design  

An SBB spokesperson told the Associated Press that Apple did not ask for permission before using the design, and unlike Mondaine, does not have a license to use it.

Swiss railway weighs challenge to Apple over trademark clock
Swiss Railway Ticked Off at Apple Over iPad Clock App  

The clock is the design of Swiss engineer Hans Hilfiker, with licensed versions selling for hundreds of dollars.

Apple reportedly meeting with Swiss Federal Railway over iOS 6 clock