DigiTimes said that upstream sources in the iPad mini supply chain expect a 20 percent to 30 percent decline in shipments for the 7.9-inch tablet during the second quarter due to declining demand. The lacking demand stems from consumers waiting for the follow-up to last November's iPad mini. Apple fans may have to wait a little longer though as analyst Peter Misek of Jefferies claims that pre-production issues are delaying mass production of the iPhone 5S, which delay would have a knock-off effect on other mobile hardware, including the iPad mini 2.

What Else You Need To Know

  • Available starting at $179, the iPad mini sports a 7.85-inch screen, a non-Retina display of 1024 x 768 pixels, and the same hardware as the iPad 2.
  • Apple needs the iPad mini to sell well as its most affordable tablet is already being blamed for a decrease in demand for the $499 full-sized iPad.

Other sources

DigiTimes is a Taiwanese paper that reports a lot of gossip from the technology supply chain. Sometimes it's accurate, sometimes it's inaccurate. - Jay Yarow, Business Insider  
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