Leaked photos show BlackBerry L-Series smartphone app launcher, BBM video
Berry Review

The first images of an upcoming L-Series BlackBerry smartphone have been leaked thanks to photo-sharing service Instagram and other online sources. The leaked images show the BlackBerry 10 OS app launcher as well as a few of the pre-installed apps which include BBM, Facebook, and DocsToGo. The leaked images also show BBM video as an option among the standard list of features.

What Else You Need To Know

  • It has been pointed out that the current set of icons in the app launcher will be replaced when either the hardware or the software goes out of beta testing stage.

Other sources

Still at least we’ve been given a little taste of what to expect, though with a build number of some description clearly visible on the image we're a tad worried that whoever leaked the image could find themselves at the dole queue before long. - Danny Brogan, Pocket-Lint  
You will always hear me preach that diversity in the smart phone market is a necessity. Without diversity we leave ourselves open to the possibility of becoming robots with one phone and no other options. - BlackBerry Hank, RIMarkable  
Exclusive: BlackBerry 10 L-Series Smartphone Photo  

From what we’ve heard ourselves and within the media, the first two BlackBerry 10 devices are nearly complete.

BlackBerry 10 L-Series snapped once again showing off its homescreen  

Now about those N-Series devices. They'd be prettynice to see right about now since the L-Series is kind of already out there enough.

Berry Review
Picture of BlackBerry 10 L-Series Device Leaks Out
Rumour: Is this the first RIM BlackBerry 10 L-Series device?
BlackBerry 'L-Series' image surfaces with glimpse of the app launcher  

It's also another look at the app launcher on BlackBerry 10, though we're hoping that the squared-off look of the icons and their labels is merely a placeholder for a more polished, final product.

BlackBerry 10 L-Series all-touchscreen phone caught on camera
GSM Arena
BlackBerry 10 L-series phone image leaks again
New Photo of BlackBerry 10 L-Series (Full Touch) Emerges
Leaked Photo Shows BlackBerry L-Series Touchscreen Phone
BlackBerry 10 L-Series leaked image shows new user interface in all its glory  

RIM has already confirmed that the first BlackBerry 10 device to arrive will be part of the L-Series, before being followed by its cousin the N-Series that will all feature a physical keyboard.
