Exclusive photos show Nokia Lumia 920 performance in low light

The Verge scored exclusive access to the Nokia Lumia 920 and went to test and see if its much-touted PureView camera was really up to snuff. Based on the resulting photos, it's clear that it really does offer superior performance in low light environments. The test was conducted at night time and similar photos taken with other high-end camera-equipped smartphones simply pale in comparison with what the Nokia Lumia 920 produces. Overall, that's a positive, but the reason Nokia went under fire recently was because it faked not only still photos but also video footage in order to promote its upcoming Windows Phone 8 handset.

What Else You Need To Know

  • Nokia was--and still is--being criticized for faking sample video footage in order to show the Lumia 920's performance is OIS (optical image stabilization) technology.
  • Other handsets that were tested by The Verge include the Samsung Galaxy S III, HTC One X, and Apple iPhone 4S.

Other sources

We're hoping that the Optical Image Stabilization on video will be equally impressive on production hardware — but it's much harder to take it on faith that it will be after all the recent drama. - Dieter Bohn, The Verge  
Exclusive photos: We put Nokia's controversial Lumia 920 PureView camera to the test  

Unfortunately, Nokia said that the software for taking video with OIS wasn't yet completed, so we weren't able to test that.

PureView on the Lumia 920 is quite impressive  

Nokia first released a teaser clip of the very same video last week to rile up suspicions that PureView, in fact, was one of the highlight features of at least one of their new devices.