It’s Official: Flash Mobile Player Is Dead
Adobe confirmed what reports were saying all morning: It’s done with the Flash Mobile Player and has now thrown its lot in with the HTML5 crowd — for mobile at least. “We will no longer continue to develop Flash Player in the browser to work with new mobile device configurations following the upcoming release of Flash Player 11.1 for Android and BlackBerry PlayBook,” wrote Danny Winokur, Adobe VP and general manager for interactive development in a blog entry this morning.

iOS 5 Now On Nearly 40% Of iPhones, Study Finds
iOS 5 adoption rate
The new OS can be found on more than 38% of iPhones, 30% of iPads and 12% of iPod touch devices. The iPhone’s adoption rate is clearly the most impressive, especially considering the new software is not compatible with two of the five iterations of Apple’s popular smartphone.

Official Google Galaxy Nexus Page Now Shows Canada As “Coming Soon”
The Galaxy Nexus is coming. At one point on the official Google Nexus registration page Canada was left out, now our fine land has been included into the mix of other countries – this is certainly great news and now we’re just waiting for something official.

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